The Mayor and City Council
About the Lemon Grove City Council The City Council is the legislative-policy-making branch of City government. The City Council consists of five members. Each member is selected from a non-partisan, at-large election and serves a four-year term, however, there are no term limits in Lemon Grove. Annually, the City Council appoints a Mayor Pro Tem from its membership to serve a one-year term. The City Council is responsible for:
- Acting as the final appeal body on rulings of commissions
- Appointing the City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney, and members of commissions and/or committees
- Approving or amending the annual budget
- Authorizing contracts on behalf of the City
- Enacting ordinances, resolutions, and orders necessary for governing the affairs of the City
Position | Member | Term | Term Expires |
Mayor | Alysson Snow | 4-Years | 2028 |
Mayor Pro Tem | Jennifer Mendoza | 4-Years | 2026 |
Councilmember | Jessyka Heredia | 4-Years | 2028 |
Councilmember | Steve Faiai | 4-Years | 2028 |
Councilmember | Yadira Altamirano | 4-Years | 2026 |
General Law City
The City of Lemon Grove is a General Law City, meaning that the City's legal authority originates with California State law, rather than a city charter.
City Council Meetings and Agendas
The City Council conducts regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Lemon Grove Community Center 3146 School Lane.
The City Council Meeting Agenda is the official order of business for Council meetings with a list of items to be considered. Agenda items are discussed in staff reports that provide background, analysis, and staff recommendations.
The City Council may consider and take action on any item listed in the Agenda, although actions are not limited to staff recommendations. State law prohibits action to be taken on items not listed in the Agenda.
"Consent Calendar" Agenda items are typically approved as a group with one motion. If an item is pulled for discussion, it will be considered after the balance of the Consent Calendar has been voted upon.
The City Clerk prepares the Agenda, then posts it for the public (outside City Hall and here) at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Click here for City Council Policies and Procedures.
Statement of Economic Interests
The City Council Members are elected officers identified in Section 87200 of the California Government Code and file Statements of Economic Interests with the City Clerk's office. Copies of the Statements of Economic Interests filed by the City Council may be obtained by contacting the City Clerk or the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). The physical address of the City Clerk's office is 3232 Main Street, Lemon Grove, California, 91945. The physical address of the FPPC is 428 J Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, California 95814.
The Statements of Economic Interests for some State and local government agency elected officers may be available in electronic format on the FPPC's website.
Contact Us
Lemon Grove City Hall
3232 Main Street
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
(619) 825-3800
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