City Council Meetings
City Council Meetings Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 6:00 PM |
Current City Council Agenda |
The City Council holds its regular meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Community Center unless otherwise indicated on the Agenda. Council Meetings are open to the public and those interested are encouraged to attend.
To receive meeting agendas by email Subscribe to eNotifications.
Agenda Materials
City Council Agendas and meeting materials are posted in accordance with State requirements. Per the Brown Act, regular meeting materials are posted at least 72 hours in advance and special meeting materials at least 24 hours in advance. Typically, for a regular Tuesday meeting, agenda materials will be posted by end of the day on the Thursday prior to the meeting. The agenda is also posted on bulletin board outside near the front entrance of City Hall. If you have questions regarding these documents, please contact the City Clerk at (619) 825-3841.
Meeting Agendas
Current Meeting Agendas (September 19, 2023 to the Current)
Archived Meeting Agendas (2016 to September 5, 2023)
Audio Recordings
Listen to current and archive recordings of the Lemon Grove City Council meeting by visiting the City of Lemon Grove - SoundCloud Site.
Contact Us
Lemon Grove City Hall
3232 Main Street
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
(619) 825-3800