Street Rehab Project
Each year the City performs an annual citywide street rehabilitation and maintenance project prioritizing various streets within the City for slurry seal, re-pavement, or reconstruction. The City uses a Pavement Management Program (PMP) to identify streets for annual maintenance and rehabilitation on public streets. The PMP provides current pavement network inventory, current network conditions, maintenance recommendations, while considering available funding. This information combined with resident requests and engineering judgment, determines the year-to-year priorities of streets to be included in the City’s annual street rehabilitation and maintenance projects.
The FY 22-24 Street Rehabilitation Project was bid in the Fall of 2024 and awarded to Eagle Paving for construction on November 19, 2024. The Project is funded using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Senate Bill 1, TransNet, and City General Funds.
*This Page will be updated weekly to notify the public of upcoming streets that will be rehabilitated in the following days/weeks. Please bookmark this page for further information.
Pavement Schedule Updates:
Buena Vista Ave: 5 Days
Fairhaven: 1 Day
Coming Up Next Week
Calle Norte: 2 Days |
Project Description:
The Department of Public Works/Engineering is gearing up to start construction on the FY 22-24 Street Rehabilitation Project. The Project is a pavement management project consisting of applying slurry seal (Type II) and 2 in., 3 in., and 4 in. mill/overlays to 63 street segments. The project consists of approximately 480,000 sq. ft. of slurry seal treatments and approximately 1,150,000 sq. ft. in mill/overlays. The project also includes, but is not limited to: mobilization, traffic control, water pollution control, dust prevention and control, site cleanup, asphalt concrete grinding/removal, asphalt concrete installation, asphalt concrete base repair, ADA ramp construction (Qty. 57), utility cover lowering & restoring to grade, loop detector replacement, striping removal & replacement.
A slurry seal treatment provides a mixture of liquid asphalt emulsion combined with sand or small gravel that’s applied to the existing asphalt pavement to preserve and extend its life. There are 3 different types of Slurry Seal (Type 1, 2, and 3). The slurry type is differentiated based on the size of aggregate in the mixture. A mill & overlay is a street maintenance technique that requires the removal of the top layer (2”, 3” or 4”) of a street by the grinding action of a large milling machine. After the top layer is removed, a new layer of bituminous pavement is put in its place. A slurry seal is different from an asphalt overlay in that it is a much thinner layer of new surface that is being applied. Typically, asphalt overlays are utilized on major/arterial roads which receive a high volume of traffic and thus require a more advanced level of treatment/ rehabilitation.
Please note that the City does not maintain private streets, such as ones behind a gate, or those not constructed to City standards and are not maintained or accepted by the City.
Project Duration:
The project will begin February 10 of 2025 with an expected duration of 3 months with working hours of operation from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Advanced notices will be distributed to impacted residences and businesses throughout the course of construction along with posted construction signage prior to the treatment of each street. The City request that all residents and businesses obey the posted construction signage especially those pertaining to “No Parking or Driving” in order to avoid damage and/or towing of vehicles. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
To View a list of streets included in the project click here:
Eagle Paving
Stephen Houston
Senior Project Manager
Jorge Frias
Project Manager