Troy Street Sleeping Cabins
Troy Street Project Presentation (ppt)
San Diego County Troy Street Project
On March 4, 2025, San Diego County officials joined the City of Lemon Grove City Council in a Special City Council Meeting at Roberto Alvarez Auditorium to discuss the County of San Diego Temporary Housing Project.
The County has been exploring emergency housing options as part of the Compassionate Emergency Solutions and Pathways to Housing Implementation Plan. The plan outlined the community's desire for non-congregate shelters such as sleeping cabins, safe parking, and RV parking options.
The site approved by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, a Caltrans-owned property, can host up to 70 sleeping cabins, restrooms, laundry, and onsite services including case management, housing navigation to permanent housing options, access to behavioral health and supportive services, and more.
Contact Us
Lemon Grove City Hall
3232 Main Street
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
(619) 825-3800